Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Fabulous, Flirty and Thirty

Today I sit in front of my laptop and I feel like a completely different person than I was two months ago. Maybe it isn't just a feeling. So much has happened.

I have been working on this post for almost three months and was hoping to have it published before my 30th birthday as a present to all my loyal fans, friends and family, who take time out from their hectic schedule to read my posts. Unfortunately I've had to deal with very personal issues and this post ended up in the back burner.

Last month I became an official member of the 30 club, something I had dreaded since I turned 20. Thirty  isn't that bad, although it's been a bumpy ride for me. I'm realizing that with every passing stage in my life I'm becoming stronger, wiser, more confident and getting better with age (I know it's an overused adage, but it's also very true.)

The events in the past two months have tested me, changed me and reinvented me, I'm hoping it's for the better, but really I'm just trying to adjust to all the changes.

One of the most important things I've learned in my 30 years of living is that time moves too fast for us to sit around complaining about the things we have no control over. Here are some other lessons, I've learned in honor of my 30th birthday, and while some are cliche, please keep in mind that cliches are real and honest and, although they only seem like vague words, they take a lifetime to understand their depth and complexion.

  •  Life only gets harder and more complicated the older we get.
  • Don't make excuses when your loved ones and friends ask to see you. Make time for them because we exist on borrowed time.
  • Look for something positive even when the world feels like it's caving in. I know it's not easy, but you have to remember that there's always sunlight after the storm.
  • In order to love anyone, you must first learn to love yourself. 
  • While on the topic of love, words are never enough you have to show people you love them.
  • If you forgive, forget and move on. 
  • Start taking care of yourself today. One day you'll realize all the things you should've done, but didn't. Health is one of the most important things that we take for granted on a daily basis.
  • Success is perceptual and what one person thinks is success isn't exactly what you might consider successful.
  • Respect other people's opinions, even if they differ from yours.  
  • Find your passion. It's important for your livelihood.
  • Don't compare yourself to anyone else. You are your only competition.
  • You'll never have it all figured out, so don't drive yourself crazy trying.
  • Don't let the mistakes of your past paralyze you from taking a risk now.
  • On that note don't punish the new people in your life for the wrongs other people have committed against you in the past. 
  • Don't dwell on the past. Live in the present. Plan for the future.
  • Fall 10 times. Get up an 11th time!
  • Don't settle. 
  • Compromise in relationships.
  • Dress for the body you have not the body you wish you had.
  • There's no such thing as over accessorizing. 
  • The higher the heels the taller you stand.
  • Being a woman is a beautiful thing-- dress like a woman, act like a woman and don't let any man tell you you can't do something. 

With that said, I can say that there's something different about telling people I'm 30. I'm not sure if that difference stems from actually admitting I'm 30 (I honestly thought I would be one of those women who goes around telling people I'm 29 for another five to six years) or that turning 30 signifies that I'm now a more mature and responsible woman who has gathered enough wisdom to make important life decisions on my own terms without consulting anyone.

Indeed turning 30 is truly special. It's something we have to embrace.


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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Awesome App: SNAP IT! TRACK IT!

I enjoy being on the cutting edge of fashion and beauty, but I also like introducing my loyal readers to great local food/restaurants, the latest products in technology and other lifestyle spheres.

Today's post is for all my techies!

A few months ago, I met the fabulous and talented Adrianna Hopkins at an event hosted by the equally fabulous and talented Michelle Madison from Miami Now TV.

You might recognize Ms. Hopkins from her work on WSVN. Besides being an Emmy Award winning journalist, Adrianna launched her own iPhone app on the App Store called SNAP IT! TRACK IT!

SNAP IT! TRACK IT! is an ingenious app that allows you to visually track transformations such as weight loss, growth like that of your baby's first year or your granny's secret recipe for apple pie by allowing you to take a picture which you can flip, write notes, dates or ingredients on each picture you take. The app automatically saves your snapshot in chronological order which you can revisit whenever you like.

The app isn't just limited to tracking changes, you can use it to write the names of people in pictures you've taken, the places you vacationed at, along with the dates-- in short it can be your very own digital scrapbook.

Everyone who knows me, knows I'm on Team Android, but this is an awesome app that is buzz worthy. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's introduced in the Google Play Store very soon.

The app is only $0.99 and not only is it worth every penny, but it's GTG approved.

So, what are you waiting for? Go to the app store and download it now and start your very own SNAP IT! TRACK IT! photo album.

Until next time!


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