Hi there lovers! Happy Valentine's Day! Or Happy Single Awareness Days! Regardless of the category you fall under, today is a day about celebrating love.
A lot of people argue that Valentine's Day is a commercial holiday, which it is, but we observe it for a reason, much like we celebrate Thanksgiving Day. I mean shouldn't we be thankful all year round? The point is that there is absolutely nothing wrong with taking one day out of the year to be a little more attentive and loving than usual.
So taking a cue from myself, I'm adding an extra Valentine's Day post that was written by the one of my dear friends and romance expert, Michelle Madison. Michelle has written about a few Valentine's Day budget-friendly ideas.
Boys--take notes!
Enjoy the post and enjoy your day my sweethearts!
The mistletoes have withered and your credit card balance from the holidays is finally on the decline but the gift-giving season hasn’t totally passed. With Valentine’s Day just days away, the real countdown begins. But none to fear for you recession Romeos stressing how to keep her happy without repeating the Great Depression in your wallet.
The first step to a happy Valentine is assessing how genuine your feelings are. Once this is established, it’s cliché but true that, everything else will fall into place. Next up is creativity, your new bff. If executed well, this single factor demonstrates to her that you’re genuine and thoughtful. For some girls, this day of extolment is merely an extension of Christmas or her birthday, so you may hear hints of Gucci’s Spring purse arrival, but for those true to St. Valentine’s purpose, it’s romance she craves. This doesn’t mean not to get her what she wants if you can. Just think, it’s not about the destination but the journey you take her on before presenting the gift. (I’m not standing in the way of a girl and her Gucci!)
Now for the magic! Here are just a few ideas to keep cupid’s arrow pointed your way and the creditors at bay…
1.) Picnic anyone?
Why reinvent the wheel when it has a basket of goodies. Ditch the Yogi Bear and Bobo duo images because the only pairing will be you….Whether its at the park or beach, its about creating intimacy with a view. You can find an economical picnic basket already included with plates and utensils but you may have to pack your own wine glasses. Not Emeril in the kitchen? Opt to for take-out from your favorite restaurant. If your budget is really tight, the produce section of your local grocer is a nice alternative. Remember to check your local weather forecast. If storms are in the forecast, indoors is still a good option and there’s no need to worry about an audience. Make a CD of your favorite slow jams and add dancing to the menu. It’s an intimate and subtle act that’s often an over looked form of foreplay…wink, wink!
2.) A Foreign Feature
Use your flat screen for something besides ESPN. A favorite foreign film among many is “Como Agua Para Chocolate” translation…like water for chocolate. Going off the old adage “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”, this flick is a story of two torn lovers who use food to indulge in their forbidden passion for each other. Luckily, it has just enough adult content to keep a guy interested! Roses and chocolate are a major theme through-out the movie so why not present your starlet with rose petals scattered on a tray of chocolate treats surrounding her gift (if it’s small enough to fit) . A nice tray is inexpensive, but exceptional chocolate is better if its fresh and or from a chocolatier. Godiva is perhaps the most recognized brand but Google for others in your area. Variety is key when choosing and you can never go wrong with strawberries, truffles, and brownies… oh my!
3.) Chocolate:101
Take your love to a lesson in the art of the sweetest confection…chocolate. Check your local chocolateir or culinary school for any dessert making workshops they may offer to the public for a nominal cost. There’s no guarantee how long the relationship will last, but she’ll definitely think of you every time she indulges in the decadent cocoa!
MM and Your GTG!
Best entry yet!