Today's "Ask GTG" comes from @hypergraffic via Twitter: Hey
Because @hypergraffic wanted something grown and masculine, I knew exactly where to look. When it comes to shopping for duffel bags or any other type of luggage your best option is to first browse online. Websites typically carry a lot more merchandise than what you would find in person at a store.
After narrowing down the search to a few options, I asked him what was his price range. Here's the thing about helping someone shop, you can't assume they are willing to pay the same amount that you would personally pay for something. People have budgets and as a stylist, you have to find out what it is before you start showing them things.
After he gave me the figure he was comfortable paying, I showed him my top picks that were all of course around his budget. He liked two of the bags, both were Ben Sherman. We both fell in love with the second one, and so he purchased it online and is picking it up at the store later today.
The bag comes in three colors: black, white and navy. While black is the obvious choice for most, @hypergraffic has quite the sense of style. He likes colors and things that are different. The white one is gorgeous, but white luggage isn't practical for anyone. It just gets dirty too fast. We both felt the navy one worked best for him and he ended up with a bag that was not only classic but trendy as well. I personally love how navy looks against the white and red details of the strap and trims.
Here's @hypergraffic with his weekend bag!
If you have any questions, feel free to email me, facebook me or tweet me and I'll be sure to help you!
xo GTG
"All it takes are a few simple outfits. And there’s one secret" – Cary Grant
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